MEMBER INFORMATION GUIDETo contact the UFCW National Fund Office’s membership service call 1-888-773-8329. ToaccesstheUFCWNationalHealthandWelfareFundon-line,"bullseye"-"make all pieces fit together" – click “Plan Description” – click “Select Company” – then select Shaw’s from the list of companies. ForinformationonDoctorsandMedicalFacilities:logontothewebsiteofthefund’sprovider“BlueCrossBlueShield”“OurProducts”-select“BlueCardPPO”–thenselect“ProviderDirectory”and follow the instructions. For Information on Pharmacies and Pharmaceuticals go to: www.empirxhealth.comIf you have questions or need further information, please call the union office at 1-800-535-2752. UFCW National Health & Welfare FundP.O. Box 751Englewood, N.J. 07631For Member Service Call: